Born and raised in Reidsville, North Carolina, Ashley moved to Southern California 6 years ago from Charlotte, North Carolina in order to achieve her goals and seek new adventures. She graduated from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and currently has two professions: a Realtor® and banker who has worked in the financial industry for over 14 years. Ashley is a newlywed and who married to the love of her life. They have a fur baby who is their pride and joy. She enjoys working out, watching/ playing sports, traveling, volunteering and being with family and friends. Ashley has a huge heart and is extremely passionate about giving back and helping others which has been instilled in her upbringing as a child. She volunteers at the OC Rescue Mission and Urban Angels nonprofit organizations working as a kitchen volunteer and absolutely adores children and helping give them the tools they need to succeed.
Ashley is beyond honored and grateful to be on the Board for the Youth Center so that she can help make a difference and be an advocate for children.