S.H.A.R.K. After School Adventures, a mobile after school program connecting students with developmental activities in and around the community.
Meet CAMP SHARK After School Adventures, a mobile after school program connecting youth with fun developmental activities in and around the Los Alamitos area. Students will be picked up from school on a 20 person bus and taken on a 3-4 hour adventure.
We will host four events per school per month based on age. Every month, students can expect new and exciting events designed around a central theme and all events will follow our core concepts: Science, Hands-On, Art, Recreation, and Knowledge or SHARK. Our events will include cooking classes, trips to a trampoline emporium, coding and technology educational sessions, and also volunteer opportunities, where students can work for a day at the sea lion rescue center or sort donations at the Food Bank. Our location is centrally located at the intersection of many large and vibrant cities. Finding unique events will not be a problem for; in fact it’s what The Youth Center does best.
These events will change on a monthly basis and the best part; we are a technology-free environment for kids, which parents love! Getting children off of their phones and creating a space where they can connect and learn is one of the cornerstones of our program and this sets us apart from many other youth focused organizations. All programs are open to youth with special needs and we pride ourselves on creating an inclusive and affirmative environment for these children.
By scheduling these adventures in the community and developing partnerships with local businesses, we will be connecting new consumers with participating organizations. We believe this will play an important role in helping to stimulate our local economy.
Program was created by UCLA SEA 2020 Students: Dominic Le Fort, Jaewoo Chang, Katherine Hayden, Alix Le Boterff, Minh Mai and The Youth Center SEA Team: Lina Lumme, Jamie Harris, Arnie Fine, Eric Frankenberg, and Jennifer Fontanilla.