Hey Mom and Dad, getting a little cabin fever?


Here are some websites that may keep you fit, educated and sane while waiting for this storm to pass….check it out.




Other 8 ideas….


  1. Have a fancy picnic in your living room while supporting local restaurants
  2. Host an online concert or jam session
  3. Host an online dinner party, happy hour or hangout
  4. Try that recipe (and stock your freezer with home-cooked meals)
  5. Start Spring cleaning
  6. Dive into that book
  7. Get your shopping fix: Buy Local online
  8. Catch up on podcasts (local ones, too)

Meditation Resources:


Resources such as articles, newsletters, seminars, guided meditations, videos and courses. Their mission is to enable people to create compassionate and mindful work environments. This site is great for leaders, organizations, and non-profits.


Resources such as courses, guided meditations, pod-cast, workshops and retreats a science-backed program.

Free apps:



UCLA Mindful


Mindfulness in Plain English by Gunaratana

Mindfulness by Joseph Goldstein

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh

YouTube Videos:

Three-minute breathing meditation


Five Common Meditation Myths Tedx Talk


Lastly….remember we’re here for you and your family.

The Youth Center Staff




  1. If you are in need of assistance, please visit www.211oc.org or text your zip code to 898-211 and you will be directed to the nearest food bank.
  2. For those in our local area, you may call 562)431-0880 to make an appt. at Grateful Hearts. Leave a message and your call will be returned this evening after we finish our distribution program.
  3. Finally, The Honda Center Parking Lot will be distributing food from 9 am to 12 pm Saturdays without an appointment- 2695 E Katella Ave, Anaheim, Ca 92806
  4. Food Distribution by Heart of the City – 10941 Reagan Street, Los Alamitos. Every 2nd and 3rd Saturday of the month from 8 am to 11 am.