Arnie Fine
Arnie Fine grew up in Brooklyn, New York.From a very early age, Arnie got involved inorganized sports. He was very fortunate to belong to a local Youth Center in his immediate neighborhood. That Youth Center provided him with the opportunity to participate in baseball, basketball and roller hockey. His love and participation in sports continues to this day as he is actively involved in playing fast pitch baseball, tennis and golf. Over the years golf has been his biggest challenge, however improvements are on the horizon. Arnie has a Bachelor of Science degree as an undergraduate, and a M.S. in Special Physical Education.
After moving to Southern California, he got involved in business and continues to enjoy the Industrial Pipe, Valve and Fitting industry.Arnie has been on the Board of Directors of The YouthCenter for over thirty years and thought the idea of a Golf Tournament as a fund raiserwas his brilliant idea. The Youth Center Golf Tournament is different from mostothers in that they encourage youths to participate. We have had youths as youngas seven years of age in the tournament and it is a joy to watch some of them playsignificantly better than some of the adults. We would love for you to come outand join us for a fabulous afternoon in our Eighth Annual Golf Tournament.